Jimmy's Wheel horse Collection.
Click here to contact Jimmy
October 29th, 09 Jimmy is restoring a rare 854 Wheel Horse,scroll to the bottom to check it out.
July 20th, 09 Jimmy just finished restoring his little wheel horse ranger scroll to the bottom to check it out,be
sure to click on the pics for a better view.
Meet Jimmy and his horse collection.I like the little dually horse looks pretty wicked.Below is Jimmy's email.
Jimmy wrote:here are pictures of the Tractors of the ones Ive redone and still have them. the 401 is the first one that
got me hooked on them my grandson has the other one it is a 1960 400 then a 1961 701 wth the wrong hood on it for now but
all them work great and drives rides great I work with them all the time. when I get others out of storage building I'll take
pic of them and send to you they have not been worked on yet one is a 1959 RJ-%( to be worked on next right now im redoing
a 1968 Lawn Ranger so the RJ will come in after ive finished this one thanks Jimmy