The picture below is the first tractor I ever learned to cut grass on.I was 7 years old.My dad would
not let me on it when we first got it.He said when you are big enough to start it then you'll be big enough to ride it.I pulled
my guts out for a whole summer trying to start that thing.One day I finally did it!!.A lot of memories came back when I found
this picture.

September 9th 2011 ,Here she is the moto-mower (Coca-Cola-Cruiser)
I finished a few weeks ago

December 6th 2010 ,Maybe mine maybe not either way this is one of the
most original little tractor's you'll ever see!! click on the pic to get the full story.

September 8th 2011,I've done some cool upgrades to The Great Pumpkin over the summer thought
you'd like to see.Click on the pic to check it out!.

July 15th, 09 Hey guy's it's me KW the guy that posts all the pics on here.I haven't done
this since started.I've got rid of some tractor's since then and definitly added some since the site was started.I
'm posting everything that I have as of now.Thought you'd like to see the new one's.

May 18th Update, 09 Started my restore on the simplicity 717,I do have the engine done finally. KW
Simplicity Model 717 |

June 16th, 09 I hit the mother load today guys!!.

March 22nd, 09 My new addtion,click on the pic to go to the page.
My 1967 (I Think) Motomower |

March 5th, 09,Well guys took possesion of the 318 today all I can say is WOW! click on the
picture to get a good look at it.

My New Stuff.

October 13th, 08 Been working on a new project.The 4211 is finally done!!

September 23rd.Well everyone she is finally done.Worked really hard on this thing to
get it done so I could do a few other things before winter sneaks in.Click on the pic to go to the tear down/build up page.
September 23rd, Check out the twins!.One sold on ebay yesterday,a lady bought it for her husband
for xmas.She is an awesome lady! lol.Click on the pic to take you to the page.
Update July 11th , Check out the 2 wheelhorse's I got and the cool
1960's wheel horse tiller!.Update August 10th.I sold the 67 wheel horse to my uncle nick + sold the tiller on ebay.I'm keeping
the 1966 and will restore it.
Pictures of my 3 deere a 1979 214 with electric lift,a 1974 square pan and my 1967 round fender.All
were taken down a fully restored.Will probably do the 214 again probably next year.The paint is ok but not as nice as the
other 2 I have.

This page will be the pictures of my tractors.Click on the tractor and it will take you to a photo album of that specific