I truly am a john deere lover but if I had to pick the most useful best cutting machine I've ever owned
it would be this one right here.It's a 1978 Simplicity baron.It has a 42 inch deck with a indestructable 16 hp. cast
iron briggs engine.I've had this old thing forever and i'm not joking one bit i've never ever put one drop of oil in it between
oil changes.I've got so many tractors i'm going to have to let some go this spring.I really hate to but my old baron is probably
going to be one of them.There is still nothing wrong with it whatsoever.This is the hydrostat model also so it's thats much
more nice to operate.Make a decent offer I just might sell it to you or I like trades also.(UPDATE) I did sell the baron on
ebay for $600,the guy that bought it had it back on ebay a few weeks later.He didn't make any money on it I think it actually
sold cheaper for him than what he paid for it.Not sure what his intentions were but he didn't make out very good.