October 19th 2011, Check out Simon Reckson's rides.He uses them for other
things and it's not cutting grass! lol.

October 19th 2011, A friend with a Toro from Germany.

October 2nd 2011 ,A new friend with a cool rare collection check out
Ken Wingar's tractors.

October 2nd 2011,John Burch and his little Mark 26.I love these mowers
I have 2 myself really rare.check john's out!.

September 8th 2011 ,Here is Joe Powell's cool old Moto-Mower
awesome story to!

October 2nd 2011 ,A new friend with a cool rare collection check
out Kent Wilkinson's Collection.

March 19th, 2011 Jean's collection real nice stuff! check it out!

April 21st. 2011,Tom Harris and his cool old Motomower.

March 21st 2011, Rob restoring a old sears with his son.Click on the pic to go to their page.

January 3rd 2011,A new friend Roger Haworth's Homelite T-16H.Click on the pic to check it out.

December 6th 2010 ,Clancy Lutz'z nice old PK click the pic for info.

November 30th 2010 Matt Peckne and his cool old Suburban with plow.

November 30th 2010 Check out Marv's Anniversary Wheelhorse very nice Marvin!

November 30th 2010, Bob Dille has a few cool simplicity's click on the
pic to go to his page.

October 27th 2010, Stanley Kompelien's Cool Pulling Tractor Collection.

August 24th 2010 A new friend finds us,check out JC's stuff.

September 16th 2010,One of the coolest tractors we have seen in a while.Check
out Ben Wiess's Gard'n Mast'r Really nice Ben!..

Harold Durham's cool old Wards.

August 4th, 2010 Meet Brent Roby and his very nice Wheel Horse collection..

August 3rd, 2010 Ralph Devitto's Collection.

June 28th 2010,A new friend and he has a Moto-Mower click on the pic to go to his

June 13th 2010, A new friend,check out this tractor just love the old
odd stuff,click on the pic to go to charles page.

July 14th 2010 Ken Beam sent a picture of his nice collection.

May 11th 2010, Tyler Rowe has a couple of nice Massey's,click on the pic
to check them out.

June 30th,09 I got Jeff's Pic's of his Tractor rodeo for 09.Looks like they had a
great time.I've noticed more tractors this year.I especially like the little sears red and white custom that was in it
this year.Click on the pic to go to this years Tractor Rodeo for Spring 2009.

April 27th 2010,A new friend needs help identifying his Roper
Motomower,click on the pic to go to his page.

Update April 8th 2010 Click on the pic to check out Mike Hutton's cool old simplicity
also a real cool story behind it what a tuff old tractor.

March 15th, 2010 Check out my new friend Arlen Marcot's collection,he has some pretty
cool stuff!.Click on the pic below to go to his page.

Febuary 21st, 2010 A new friend from canada,Checkout Dennis Mcallum's beautiful 1958
Bolen's Ride-A-Matic.He also has nice collection that will be posted soon click on the pic to go to his page.

Febuary 2nd, 2010 A new friend on the forum,click on the pic to see randy's collection.

January 25th 2010 A new friend on the site.Check out Todd's collection.

A new friend with a nice little National Reel Mower.I'd say our own Poncho will be
saying "It's about time!!" lol,click on the pic to go to Stepehn's page.

January 12th, 2010 Got a new member check out Dan Altvater's Rare collection,he has
lot's of tractor's that are hard to come by.

December 31st, 09 We got new friends,check Lane and Davids really nice wheel horse

December 29th, 09 Check out Roger Werneburg's cool little collection,this is actually
our good friend nate's Dad.

January 24th 2010,Click on the pic to take you to Johnny Bogg's Page.

December 14th, 09 Ken sent some more pics so we made him a page,love the old case
and the john deere grill,click on the pic to check it out!.

November 13th, 09 A new friend,check out Charles Rare Motomower.

October 23rd, 09 A new friend on the forum meet sam (Gekapunch) and his collection,check
out the cool puller.

November 2nd, 09 Ron Weidman added some new pics,click on the pic to go to his page.
Ron Weidman's Cool Old Jacobson. |


September 28th, 09 A new friend that signed up on the forum,meet skip and his
cool old motomower.
Skip's Motomower |


July 27th, 09 Alex sent pics of his mystery tractor,he needs help identifying it.My
guess is it looks kinda like an old david bradly.Anyone else knows he would appreciate our input. KW

July 29th, 09 A new friend with a nice motomower.

July 14th, 09 A new member Dennis Ross and his old sears suburban.

June 22nd 09, Check it out guy's a fully restored Motomower.These old tractors are
definitly starting to get more popular these days :)

June 16th, 09 Another new friend,check out Chad Clifton's Motomower.

July 13th, 09 A few updated pic's of Keegan Wade's Springfield.

June 12th, 09 A new Motomessenger (Jayson Cottril) sent a pic of his collection.

Another friend check out Dave Bell's cool pair of Jim Dandy's!.Click on the pic to
go to his page.

March 11th, 09 Meet our new friend Jimmy (James George) ,He has a nice collection of Horses.

March 16th, 09 Jake Wells Wheel Horse.Click on the pic to go to his page.

Jeff Bever's Wife Sherry sitting on her Pink Fury.If you compete with this lady at
their rodeo you might better forget about being easy on her because she's a girl.She will more than likely kick your butt
if you do! LOL.Click on the pic to go to the Pink Fury page.
Jeff Bever's Wife On Her Pink Fury! |


Well the mystery tractor is finally solved thanks to our buddy Walter G.Click on the pic to get the info.

Febuary 19th, 09 This is Kerry's nice collection of green and yellow.He is a member of the
yahoo groups pauls tractor page as am I and some others on here.A nice group of guys.Click on the pic to go to his page.
Kerry's nice collection of green and yellow. |


Dukes impressive wheel horse collection.

Febuary 25th, 09 We got a new friend check out Wayne Macuga's really nice MTD 990.
Wayne Macuga's Sweet 990 |


Check out my friend Evan's Rare 1966 Toro,He also has some more cool tractors click on the pic to go to
his page.
Evan Hoovler's Rare 1966 Toro Model 55300 |


January 19th, 09 Made a new friend,He's just starting in LGT collecting.He couldn't have picked
a better cantidate.Cool story behind it.Click on the pic to go to Bob's page.

Febuary 2nd ,09 Aage has some updated info and pics on His JD 420.
Aage anderson's |

John Deere model 420 |

Febuary 2nd, 09 Another new friend from pauls tractor group on yahoo.Ron Frost
has some really cool toys!.
Paul's Bantam Tractor |


January 29th ,09 Another friend from Pauls Yahoo Tractor Group.Check out Harry's
Cool National Reel Mowers.Harry also has his own yahoo groups site for national reel mowers it's on his page be sure to check
it out.
Harry's |

National Reel Mower |

January 29th ,09 Another new friend meet paul and his very rare collection!.
Pauls Copar Panzer. |


Check out casey's awesome springfield.Click on casey's springfield to go to his page.
1963 Springfield |

1963 Springfield |

Check out larry keegan's nice collection of garden tractors.Updates to
Larry's page March 15th 2010.
Larry Keegan's Nice Collection |

Of Garden Tractors. |

Stephen's got a cool old homelite (made like the simplicity's).Click on the pic to
go to his page.
Stephen's Homelite |


Meet my new buddy Bryan Osenga and his nice simplicity/allis collection.Click on the
picture to go to his page.Bryan also has a little Allis Chalmers scamp he needs info on if anyone can help.

Another new friend check out Jim Neidigh's wheel horse that him and his son james restored
together ,they did a real nice job.Click on the pic to go to their page.
Jim and his son Jame's |

Nice Wheel Horse |

Check out this cool little rugg my friend dennis regenauer own's click on the
pic to get the full story.

Dave's Roper we need help identifying this one.Click on dave's picture to go to
his page.Attention dave.I need your email address if you happen to be looking at the web site.

January 9th, 09 James repainted one of his tractors.Click on the pic to go to his page.
James freshly painted huskey |


Check out barry's 1978 PK 1618.He is a friend of Don Croddy below and now is a friend of mine
to.Click on his tractor to go to his page.
Barry's 1978 1614 Power King |

With dual Transmissions |

A new friend and also a indiana neighbor,check out Don Croddy's Power King.Don added
more pics check out the mini dozer!!.Click on don's picture to go to his page.
Donald Croddy's 1980 |

1618 Power King |

Another friend,check out Paul's Collection.Click on the tractor to go to pauls page.

Check out Scott D's Motomower.Click on the motomower to go to his page.
1967 Motomower |


Update December 15th.Gary sent new pics of his collection.Click on the wheel horse to go to
his page.
Wheel Horse With Trailer |


Mike O's Stuff You have to see this collection!! Update December 18th, 08 Mike submitted another cool tractor!.Click
on the monster cub to go to his page.

Another new friend check out Don's Dually Cub With a Bucket Loader!.Click on the cub to go to his page.

Febuary 2nd, 09 Aage anderson added some pics on his 420 ,check it out.

December 5th, 08 Check out Nathan Werneburg's wild JD R-72!

December 3rd.08 another friend check out mark ellen's tractors

November 3rd, 08 2 new friends from MTF submitting their tractors/collections
James Ariens |


My friend Stran's tractor collection he's another MTF member.

New Post October 26th,08 My friend Jim Bright is finishing up on his 110 john deere.

November 10th, 08 A new friend from canada with my fav. a motomower.
November 11th, 08 Update,Dwayne found 2 more motomowers how lucky is that!!.
Motomower Model 6020 |


November 11th, 08 A wicked Toro.
Wicked Modified Toro |


June 25th 2008,Check out my new friends from new zealand.They bought
the lambert.They are going to have it shipped to them along with a copar panzer and a john deere round fender.
Well i'm actually starting to make some new friends doing this page,I'm getting a lot of new pictures of
tractors so i'm making a new page just for my friends ,family,etc. that has pics they want to post.If you see this page and
want to show off your tractor,just email me and send me your pics,i'll be happy to put them on this page.

A new friend that is a big green and yellow fan.Check
out Aages tractors

March 15th 2010 Zane has updated pics.
Roof 60 |


September 11th, 08 My friend/neighbor Rick's Viper Yellow Suburban.Update He restored
his trailer to match a cool looking outfit!.

September 19th,08 Some new friends from kentucky

September 2nd, 08 2 friends and their tractors.

August 31st, 08 A new friend from the MTF forum,Check out Allen's nice Cub Cadet round
Fender model 100.

August 14th ,08 Another new friend Check out Brian Richter's
awesome collection,he's only been collecting 2 years!!!.

August 15th, 08 Check out my friend ray's cool collection
of horses.

July 18th, 08 Have a new friend check out this,Ray Folley and his family all are into
garden tractor pulling.A real nice collection of pullers.

Check out Matt France's cool stuff.

Well the mystery tractor has been solved click on the pic to get the scoop.

Geneva Collection
There is a pretty cool story behind the
picture above.Click on the pic to get the full story.

Mike's cool looking Suburban.

Louie's huge collection of stuff!.

Check out roy's weight setup
and new rims and tires.Click on his 140 page.The 140 page will also take you to his 66 round fender and pictures of a tractor
show he went to.

Check out Rayf's Sears Custom XL.

My Uncle Nick's Awesome Tractor Collection.

Russ's awesome collection of Wheel Horses.

Dave's JD Collection

My uncle Ovie's Deere Collection

Jeff Ryman's 1953 Gard'n Mast'r