April 27th, 09 Scroll to the bottom to see duke in the LAGC magazine!.
Febuary 26th, 09 Ok well my buddy duke has made a ton of updates so i'm thinking the best
thing to do is make him an extra page.Click on the picture below and it will take you to his most updated tractors, projects
etc.Continue scrolling down this page to see his older pictures in 08.
September 1st ,08 My buddy Duke went to a wheel horse show in P.A.He met Cecil Pond the son
of Elmer Pond the originators of the wheel horse, below are the links to see the video's.
click here to contact my friend duke.
Below are updated pics of duke's Horse Hauler.The old pics of the rig were computer
generated logo's on the trailer.These pics show the actual graphics he put on it,very nice.These new pics have replaced the
old horse hauler pics.Make sure to click on them for a better view.
March 3rd.
My friend duke has an impressive website featuring Amsoil Synthetic lubrication products.He
even has a link dedicated to lawn and garden equipment.You really need to check out this site.Click on the pic below to take
you there.
September 1st. ,08 duke went to a wheel horse show in P.A. and he met cecil pond the son of elmer
pond the guy that started the whole wheel horse thing,thats pretty cool eh?.He took video's of the show some neat stuff check
it out.
Check out dukes wheel horse collection.This is one awesome collection,he has some rare looking beasts.Remember to click
on the pictures for a better view.