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This is just a awesome tractor,would love to have one of these,actually know where one is right down the road,the guy
won't sell it the sad thing is I know he will never restore it either ah well.Below is ben's email he did one nice job on
this tractor,never seen the bigger wheels in the back.I really like them.
Ben Wrote:
This is my Gard'n Mast'r. I got it a couple years ago from my aunt. The tractor had
been sitting in the corner of a shed for the last 30 years. The motor was free, but didn't run.
We restored the tractor back to new condition. We also got several implement for the tractor - push blade, sickle
mower, 1 bottom plow, and a cultivator. Just thought I would share these tractor pictures with you. Thanks,
Ben Weiss
