Click here to contact Mike.
I've always had a special place for these old simplicity's.They are brutes plus cut a awesome lawn.Mike's story is below.
Hello. I just stumbled upon your site. Pretty cool. I had the urge to send a quick email to you about my old
tractor. We have had it since it was new in 1970. It is a Simplicity Sovereign 3212V. It has a 16hp Briggs and a 42 inch deck.
I remember using it to mow the farm yard, church yard, and cemetary. We also had an older AC B10 with a 16hp Briggs as well.
I liked the Simplicity because it had a seven speed range shift along with the base 3 speed transmission. The Allis Chalmers
was just the 3 speed. The nice red color was cool as well. The tractor survived many years of my dad, brothers,
myself, and towards the end, grandpa. It remains pretty much the same. The motor is original. Never rebuilt. Still runs great!
I just fired it up this past sunday (easter sunday) 2010. Not bad for having been sitting for the last 12 or more years. My
dad forgot we still had it. It was buried in one of the sheds under tires, hoses, iron, and a lot of dirt. It even has the
factory lift-assist. That has never been hooked up. I pulled it out, aired up the tires, and washed it. There was
enough of mouse nest around the flywheel to fill a 5qt bucket. Here is a few pics of it before and after I washed it. Pretty
Cool. Michael Hutton Manvel, ND. 58256
