If you like den's collection email him and tell him what you think.
Click here to contact dennis.
Check out the little ruggs my friend den has ,he has other tractors to when the weather gets better he said he would
send some more pictures.His email is below.
Ken, Hi. Here are pics of the two Roto-Ruggs I told you about. My twin brother Dave found one of them in Wisconsin and
the other in Iowa. He completly restored them both and gave me one for our 50th birthday last August. One was missing the
original engine so he put a Briggs on it until he can locate an original Clinton vs1100 1103 . I think they only made these
engines for a couple of years, they had the gas tank built into the engine shroud. I would like to find a correct engine to
rebuild to give him as he gave me the complete one. If anyone you know has an engine I would deffinetly be interested. Thanks
much, Den
A before pic of one of the little roto-rugg's.
