This is Roger Werneburg's cool little collection.He is nates dad.Really liked nate he was a good friend to a lot of guy's
on the forum,kinda disappeared on us.Maybe he will be back one day.Roger's email is below he gives us info on his collection.,especially
fond of the old wheelhorse and really like that little push mower.Be sure to click on the pics for a bigger view.
Roger wrote:
sure can....will try explainin what each pic is if I can too... AND....all the old collector mowers(JD's round
fender that Nathan posted r in my collection since I paid for them)..
pics r....
# 1RJ-1958 WheelHorse (1958 yr. 3.6 hp Clinton B-1290 runs..restore in progress
#2 Trustworthy 5 hp B&S 24" deck 1967 yr.
#3 Simplicity SunRunner minus front deck added
a 42" Craftsman blower & 240 #'s of suitcase weights we made for our JD R-72
#4 1947
Goodall push mower first vertical shafted cycle mower..( a Lauson horitizantal converted to vertical by Mr. Goodall)
engine has a single lobed cam to run both valves
#5 Model "Y" Briggs
#6 My Haybarn
storage shed 1/3 scale of real 14 x 20 x 12 high