I picked up a 6HP B&S moto-mower a month ago - see attached picture. (the picture is the condition it was in when I
brought it home) It's a model 6020. I'll try to scan the owner's manual - the manual doesn't have a date. I rebuilt the carb
and filed the points - starts first pull and runs like a top. Just picked up two more this weekend. 6024 (hard to read - not
sure if the last digit is correct) type 100. Has a light brown Kohler 8HP with starter/generator.
There are no headlights - it looks like they were blanked out at the factory. I'm told that it runs - but I want to change
the oils and rebuild the carb before I put power to it. (Is it 6v ot 12v?) The engine information tag is missing. Where can
I get info on the Kohler motor and starter/generator?
The second one looks like the 6024, but abused - the front exel has been welded and the motor and serial number tag are
missing. Has low-profle front tires - guessing it was used for racing. I'm planning to power this one with something that's
easy for the kids to use around the house and in the local lawn tractor pulls. Looking forward to see what you have about
moto-mowers on your site. Send me an email when you start posting information. Dwayne.
Ottawa, ON, Canada.
My wife's concerned that the tractors are starting to breed.
I can definitly relate to what dwayne's wife said tractors seem to breed in front of your eyes when you get the bug lol.