Johnny sent pics of his tractor his email is below.Remember to click on the pics for a better view.
Johnny Wrote:
Figured with all the work i been doin to it that it was finally worthy lol, hell maybe even tractor of
the week lol The murray started life with a 12 horse flathead B&S and a 38" mowing deck. Since then
that motor has blown up and the deck has been removed. It sat for a couple years untill i got the genius idea of putting
a 4 horse flathead briggs in it off a murray push mower. I ran that for a while, but it was wore out when i put it in, and
even moreso when I decided to take it out. I replaced it with a OHV single cylinder 16 horse briggs that i picked up
for free. I drove it down the driveway and about halfway back the new engine decided to blow up. About a week
later I picked up a new motor identical to the old one. The internals in this one supposedly only have about 10 minutes
of run time on them. I swapped the carb and starter from the blown up motor, and now have one sweet running motor with
lots of low down torque. KW, you can use any of the pics from the murray thread, but make sure ya get the last
3. Those are my personal favorites to date lol.