Gary sent me some pics of his cool stuff,He has the wheel horse with trailer and also a really cool blair model 55 reel
mower.Click on the pic below and it will take you to my other web site called KW's small engine place.Here is what gary said
in his email.
Hi KW this my Blair reel mower that my uncle gave to me it is around 1959 to 60 used only 2-3 summers been sitting ever
since it is made as u see in the town that I live in and she still turns over it is a B-S motor WOW. I have always wanted
to get into old tractors ,and I jump into it this spring When I bought a 1986 321A wheel horse[pics to come]
also I have a 1970 leaf blower that has never I SAY NEVER been torn down or a part. [pic`s to come]so I hope
u enjoy what I have now, talk to u real soon I like ur site very much take Gary B....... < < <<<<[my
trade mark OK] take care enjoy.
1986 Wheel Horse Model 312-A |

Blair Reel Mower Model 55 |

Clicking on this pic will take you to the small engine place |

Gary's Teardown on his wheel horse model 312-A

Pics of the buildup.

Gary said the sun was affecting his pictures when he took them of the wheel horse.Thats why it looks orange
in some of the pics.

Gary's Sears Project.

Gart got the sears back together.Gary wrote this.
Hi every one she is back together waiting for plow and chains well Take care all Gary B...........

Hi every one well she is on. Just have to tweak her a little and LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW. [notice the time laps not bad.]
HI Well I just had to see what she could do did`t I it does not look bad from the left but right side was buried
in leaves and dirt from the down slope.lesson learned other than that the plow works fine. t>>> c>> Gary B.......

Hi all I had to add this brace because the plow comes off of a 75XL10 tractor. to much wooble in the axel. take care Gary

December 15th New Pics from Gary.
He sent this email along also.
Hi all I hope u enjoy these. pic`s of the cart was made by Simplicity but sold by Montgomery wards inc. It has a dump body
and a rear brake or foot and a slide rear door. I think it is a cool add on to the tractor. this for my father so he go to
the shows this summer. He is to old to walk like we do.Well take care All. Gary B......

Some group tractor pics of gary's below.

arch 10th, 09 Gary added a new tractor tro his collection a Wheel Horse Raider 12.
Gary Wrote:
Hi Kw this my new ride I believe it is a 1968 raider 12hp. I will be using only to plow, kind of simple really, it cool
to see the generator to start the motor. so here are a couple of pic`s.

March 12th, 09 Below is Gary's home made tractor I think it's a real cool ride.Also check
out the old looking steel wheeled wagon I really like that to.Gary's email is below.
Gary Wrote:
Here are the pictures of my latest restoration. It`s a homemade tractor made from Chevy car parts and I added a Wisconson
5hp engine. It has one speed forward and one reverse, a slip belt clutch, and hydraulic brakes.

March 29th, 09 Gary latest pictures of his wheel horse.His email is below.
Gary wrote:
HI kw after 2 hard weeks she is painted. Just assembly now. Also I found a plaque under the steering column Ken she is
a 1697 by the motor makings and also it is a T1257 model. I hope u enjoy the pic`s. [ ps. I just wire brush her, I did not
want to go thru like I did with 312A I say it shinny and good enuff. Sunrise Red with Rust-Oleum].

Lookin good gary she should look nice when done :)

April 12th, 09 Gary is in the final stages of getting his wheel horse done.Remember to click
on the picvs for a better view.

Update October 11th, 09 Gary's newest pics.
Gary's Email:
Hi Ken I know I have not sent a E-mail in a while now But as I said earlier in the year I have a 1978 C141 that today 2:00pm
e/s/t. is done after 5 long hard months. every time I check something out on this ride it made a problem to
fix. well that was then this is now. T/C Talk to u soon and hope you enjoy the pic`s Gary B................. p.s. I still
like your web site the best. NO SNOBS. like some other sites I have been on.

Gary's Email:
Hi Ken here is a up date on pictures that I have. I sent some last fall but I call it the trure three Amego`s now. They are [671257- 78 C141 and a 86 312A] kind of rare you do not see many 312A`s
a round, or I don`t anyway, I hope u enjoy these pic`shere are a few ok T/C Gary B............

December 14th,09 First set of pics looks to be an old 1945 generator powered by a briggs,looks
to be in nice original condition.

Next is a cool looking and also in good shape GoodAll push mower.
Gary's Email:
Hi ken look what I found in my uncle garage this was only dusted off. Do u still have the small
engine site like I did with the Blare reel mower if so here are a few pick`s of a 1 of a kind the deck is made out of magnesium
or aluminum alloy. kind of rare. for a deck. t/c and I hope u enjoy these pic`s Gary B....

Gary's newest pic's of his 1257,the chrome hubcaps really look nice on it.

October 27th 2010,Gary added a real nice wheel horse model 1075.You gotta love the old style
WH hubcaps!
