I tell ya guys this tractor is really pretty nice yet for the year.The paint still shines real good
on the hood,but it's not good enough to suit me so it has to be taken down and redone.

Check out the paint even where the engine was at guys this tractor definitly
wasn't left outside everything is tight on it to steering etc.Again this will be a fun restore.

Check out the original seat on this thing guys.Another good bet it was always
put back in a building when not being used.They have these really cool orange and white seat covers for allis chalmers I going
to put on it should look really cool.

Below is a few pics of the donor tractor.It actually could be fixed to cut grass,a carb clean
and she would go but she will sacrifice her life to save the better one let us bow our heads in remeberence lol.

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Day 2 March 27th, 09
Got the seat off today got lucky on that usually the bolts will strip out being
so old but these all came out so much easier when it's time to put the seat back on.

Not so lucky on the pan but still not bad.Had one bolt strip out so got my makita
grinder out and showed it who was the boss lol.

Everything on the dash is in good shape and everything works so all i'll have
to do is take the parts out clean them up good and put back in of course after the dash is shot with a nice coat of antique
white and clear coated.

Well down to 4 wheels guys the fun begins degreasing checking everything.I don't know how
much farther I will go it depends I guess.The rearend may stay in it.Everything works good and i'm thinking on playing with
this to cut grass in the front yard.So I don't think i 'll go much farther it is still down enough to make it look really
good.On ones I work I don't like to do the every bolt/teardown restoration its silly to me if your going to work
them.I still will put a lot of detail in this it will look really nice . : )

Tommorrow hopefully I 'll have time to get the motor off the doner 717.I took the donor out
today and was mulching leaves with it dang shame you guys it could be redone to .But ah well I want the other one to
be nice so it must go,lots of parts tho.

Day 3 April 1st, 09
Finally got a little time to take the motor off the donor tractor today.Got it on the bench
to repaint.It runs pretty good and doesn't smoke so I'm just going to strip the paint off and paint the external parts.I'd
love to paint the orange and white to match the orange and white on the tractor but I know with experience how white
motors don't stay nice and white for very long so may go with gloss black on it.Won't be able to do much tommorrow.I'm finally
going to fort wayne and getting that big trailer load of stuff I told everyone about a while back.

May 18th, 09 New engine pics.
