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Beautiful 1964 Motomower Lawn Master

How's this for a custom Lawn Master.The blue and silver is just right on.Look at the detail
in this thing.It looks absolutely beautiful!!.I thought maybe this was a total custom job maybe a mustang frame with the motomower
hood but mike said it was original!.I've never seen a small model like this,has to be really rare!.Below is a few pics of
it when mike first got it. KW
Mike's Wrote:I saved it from the scrap yard. Someone thru it off a truck into the pile of scrap.
I paid $5.00 for it. I have never seen another one, before or since. I spent 2 years on it so far, still have a dozen things
left to finish it. Every single nut, bolt & washer is new. (I like shiny hardware!!!)

A 1960 Porter Cable I know it's not called a motomower but it is identical to one.
Here is a few pics before he restored it.

Mike O making his Porter Cable earn it's keep.

Mikey's email for the 2 pic's below.
MikeO wrote:
Only has a, 51 year old, 6 hp briggs. It has plowed our driveway for the past 6 years. We
had 7'' of wet heavy snow. I broke a motor mount but it still works.
