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August 25th,well i haven't had much time to work on the custon this week.It has been storming and
raining all week!.I mean things are flooded out around here,When indiana is flooded with the flat land we have you know it
has been raining a lot!!.I do have the custom outside right now trying to clean off the grease underneath it.As i've said
before i'm not doing a total teardown on this thing.I will be using it to pull a trailer so i'm going to clean up underneath
it and shoot it with whatever orange color I choose.I have found a orange color on ebay it's called ohmaha orange for $39
a gallon,probably go with that.If it turns out nice on the custom then that may be what color I go on the jim dandy also.I'll
keep everyone posted.
September 4th,I got my paint in it's called Ohmaha orange really bright orange paint.Should look
really nice on the custom and if it looks good enough on the custom then thats what color the jim dandy will be painted also.I
got the hood and fenders in primer yesterday.I was really irritated with the hood.I bought ace primer to put on it and it
lifted!!.I mean this crappy primer looked like aligator skin when it dried.I have to take the hood back down to metal again
and reprimer before I can paint it.Ahh well your gonna get set backs once in a while.I'll never buy ace primer again.
Sept. 13th,Got the frame done,man that omaha orange is some bright stuff but I love it that way.It
will look really cool when I get the white hood,wheels and console back on it.
8hp. briggs that goes back on the custom.
Getting closer.I'm telling ya this is some awesome paint never heard of it before called ray something.I
got it off ebay for $39 bucks a gallon and it's not cut either!.Has an awsome shine will not need to clear coat it.
Hoping to have this thing buttoned up and done next week.I need to get some things done
before winter besides tractors!!.
Got the seat and console on today,would sure love to have it running by the weekend but thats pushing

Another shot of the front,keep forgetting I got to do the front wheels yet.
September 20th,Got the hood and nose painted today,that about wraps up all the painting.I
would have liked to have gotten the hood a little better but it will have to do.It does have a good shine but it has a few
blemishes in it that I don't like.I don't care how much you paint you always think you could have done a little better at
least I do anyways.
Another pic of the hood,you can see it does have a decent shine.I was having trouble keeping
moisture out of my compressor today,must have been more humid out than I thought.I'm going to be using this tractor to pull
stuff so it doesn't have to be perfect but it satill kinda bugs me you put a lot of work into doing these things you want
them as nice as you can get them.It will probably bug me enough i'll take the hood down again in the spring and repaint it
Got the engine done and set it on the frame,got to touch a few things up and it will be ready
to bolt down.
Well everyone i'm finally in the latter stages of the custom build.I really put
a lot of hard work into this thing,mostly because of wanting to get it done quickly.
Got to put the fuel tank back in ,the battery and take the front wheels off and repaint and
she's pretty well wrapped up.
I love the 2 tone look that a lot of the old sears had.Reminds me of the 55 ,56
,57 chevy they had back in the day.I only gave $100 for her but whats sad it would probably only bring $150 painted lol.As
i've said the old sears don't get the credit they deserve in my opinion.Ah well if your like me you find beauty in just about
any old garden tractor,bring em home and breath some new life into them.
Well here she is guys finally got her all done,was a lot of work but it really turned out
pretty nice.Might try to find a mower deck for it but not gonna worry about it if I don't.
Got to do a little touch up work on the tires ,got a little over spray on them
but no biggie.

Well there ya have it,start to finish,will be the last one this year,next spring i'm doing
the little porter cables I have plus the jim dandy.